The Remarkable Life of Teddy Roosevelt

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Duration 01:05:58

Southern Methodist University

Jeffrey Engel is the founding director of the Center for Presidential History at Southern Methodist University. He has taught at Yale University, the University of Pennsylvania, and Haverford College, and taught history and public policy at Texas A&M University. He has authored/edited thirteen books on American foreign policy, most recently, When the World Seemed New: George H. Bush and the Surprisingly Peaceful End of the Cold War.



The Life, Legacy & Impact of Teddy Roosevelt

He was more than just a controversial statue, a Robin Williams character, or namesake of an omnipresent stuffed bear.  Theodore Roosevelt was also perhaps our most fascinating president.  He was certainly our youngest and among the most energetic.  On his watch the progressive movement coalesced, the Panama Canal became a reality, and the United States became a consequential actor in global diplomacy­­–with TR himself becoming the first American ever awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.  No pacifist to be sure, he subsequently broke with his own party to run the most competitive third-party run at the presidency in American history. An historian who authored dozens of books during his lifetime, Theodore Roosevelt was a man who spoke to history, and tried to change it.

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